Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Two Days down

I feel soo behind! I had have all these plans of really fun activities, and not so fun activities (math assessments). I wish there were a few more hours in our day so we could finish. Just kidding!! Seriously though, how am I going to catch my friends up? This is normal, right?

BTW, I have a bunch of files that I want to share with everyone. That's why I missed my Friday post during Teacher Week last week. Every time I try to upload something, it doesn't work. I'm also new to all this blogging stuff too. Any advice/help you could give me would be awesome.

Overall, I have really enjoyed my class so far. We have had a great time getting to know one another. We've laughed and made new friends. I've learned to pronounce new names by writing in Sharpie on my hand so that I wouldn't sound silly trying to say them. I have all my students names and faces memorized, I did by the end of the first day. I'm just not confident saying all their names yet, but I'm getting there!

How are your first days of school coming along? Are you behind too?


  1. I start back on Tuesday. Don't worry, I think as teachers we're in a constant "catch-up" game. It's exhausting ... but it keeps up on our toes. ;)

    Runde's Room

  2. I think I've been behind for the past 7 1/2 years-oh, yeah-I've taught for 7 1/2 years! :) I just finished day#16 today and feel VERY behind! So join the club! WE WILL SURVIVE! :)

